Our house is a very, very fine house with two cats in the yard…
We share our home with our two much-loved cats, Sam and Foxie. And, as anyone who has cats knows, they rule the house and we just pay the upkeep. So of course, all projects and undertakings are cat-sniff approved! More about the cats below.
Sam is our gray/silver and white tabby. He was the last one in a litter of kittens from a farm cat that somehow my oldest found and thought that this kitten would be the perfect “surprise” for us. I had my doubts at first, but as it turned out, happily my son was right. Sam’s a big boy – probably close to 20 lbs – and we think he has some Maine Coon in him. His paws are huge! He loves summer, and his favorite thing to do is lounge in the grass, followed by napping on plastic bags – especially at Christmas. He’s definitely daddy’s boy.
Sam has many nicknames – too numerous to mention – but not the least of which is Mr. Sam Pants, or Pants for short. I’m pretty sure our boys thought that one up…
We think he’s a very handsome boy…
Fox is our tortoiseshell cat. Her face looked like that of a little fox when she was a kitten so that’s how she got her name. She was a shelter rescue, although we were her second owners. We don’t know that much about her history other than she was found feral with her mom and brothers and sisters. She was absolutely terrified of people at first and it took about a year before she would come up on my lap (she now regards my lap as her rightful place). She is still very skittish though and will almost always hide when people come over. When its just my husband and myself around, she can usually be found snoozing in any number of unusual contortions in her favorite chair or in odd places. She loves belly rubs and boxes.
Here is a picture of her upright. She has nicknames of Precious, Princess, and Pretty Girl, all of which she is (no bias here).
We call this one Fox in a box. You can just see her head and ears peaking up.
I must try and get some better pictures of them…