Hi there,

My name is Kim and I’m a clinical neuropsychologist by day and a novice tablescaper, photographer, blogger, DIYer, and lover of all things feline by night. My husband and I live in the beautiful city of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada, just a short jaunt away from the majestic Rocky Mountains. We are empty nesters, but with the exception of my husband’s two sisters who are in Ontario, we are fortunate enough to have all our immediate family living in Calgary as well. It is a blessing to be sure, but it also makes for some rather large family gatherings.

I love making our home warm and inviting (and organized), and I adore making pretty tablescapes. I have been following various blog sites for about a year now, and the talent and inspiration out there is impressive. I thought maybe I could try to do a blog too, and share with other fellow bloggers. I am technologically challenged, so I’m sure the site will improve with time and experience, but in the meantime, welcome, and I’d be delighted if you’d join me on my journey. Thanks so much.